300 Szpilek Głosowych do Twojego podcastu lub seta. Sample informują o utworze tygodnia , miesiąca lub roku. Zapowiadają gościa specjalnego lub klasyczny utwór. Popularne zwroty używane we wszystkich podcastach na całym świecie:
- This is tune of the week
- The classic Tune!
- This is number one track of this episode
- You are listening the best music
- We are on air
- i wiele innych!
Wyróżniamy aż ośmiu lektorów: cztery głosy żeńskie i cztery męskie. Wszystkie sample są nagrane w języku angielskim.
Poniżej pełna lista sampli (kliknij aby rozwinąć listę sampli)
GŁOS MĘSKI 1 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the best EDM music
1 hour of the present and future
3..2..1.. JUMP!
3..2..1.. le’ts get started
5..4..3..2..1… Welome to my sets
30 minutes of the best EDM music!
Are you ready for take off
Keep calm and listen to EDM
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Favourite record of this week show
Greatest hits and best artists from all over the world.
I am EDM
Ladies and gentlemen..This is world premiere!
Let’s start the podcast
See you next month
See you next week
Stay tuned
This is EDM of the podcast
This is EDM of the month
This is EDM of the week
This is new remix
This is number one track of this epizode
This is remix of the podcast
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is special guest mix
This is the best EDM
This is tune of the month
This is tune of the podcast
This is tune of the week
This is what you have been waiting for
This is your favourite track
This set will blow your mind
This..is… the best EDM
Time to say goodbye! Thanks for the time spent together
Time to welcome a special guest mix
Top 10 EDM tracks
Top 10 of the best EDM music
Top 20 of the best EDM music
Top 50 of the best EDM music
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
Welcome to my new epizode
Welcome. You are listening to the best EDM music. Take a seat and let’s get started
You are listening to the best EDM music
You are listening to the best EDM from the corner of the world!
You listened the best EDM tracks. You can log off.
GŁOS MĘSKI 2 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the present and future
And now we’re starting the podcast in 3…2..1
Favourite record of this week show
Ladies and gentlemen. This is world premiere
Listen Only Loud
Live in the Mix
Make Some Noise
See you next week
This is number one track of this epizode!
This is soundtrack of your Nightlife
This is special guest mix
This is the best music from this Plane
This is the Classic Tune
This is tune of the Month
This is tune of the Podcast
This is tune of the Week
Time to say goodbye! Thanks for the time spent together.
Time to welcome a pecial guest mix
Tune of the podcast
Volume up and get teady
Weekly dose of the best music
Welcome to my new epizode
Welcome to my podcast
Welcome! you are listening to the best edm music. Take a seat and let’s get started!
You are conected to the best music from around the world!
GŁOS MĘSKI 3 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the present and future
2 hour of the present and future
And now we’re starting the podcast in 5..4..3..2..1
Don’t wait… push the volume up and immerse into the rhythm
Favourite record of this week show.
For more info please visit my facebook
Get ready for entering another dimension
Greatest hits and best artist from all over the world
It’s time to complete this musical journey. You can log off
It’s time to special gusest mix
Ladies and gentlemen..This is world premiere
Listen…experience and get into this
Live in the mix
More of the best music to come
Pump the volume or don’t listen at all
See you next week
Stay tuned
The best electronic music from all around the world
The best music from the corner of the world
This is number one track of this epizode
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is the best music from this planet
This is the classic tune
This is tune of the month
This is tune of the podcast
This is tune of the week
This is tune of the year
This is your favourite track
Time to say goodbye! Thanks for the time spent together
Tune of the episode
Turn off the world… turn on the music and be ready for remarkable experiences.
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
Weekly dose of the best music
Welcome to my new episode
Welcome to my new podcast
Welcome! you are listening to the best music. Take a seat and lets get started!
You are conected to the best music from around the world!
GŁOS MĘSKI 4 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of a total musical insanity
1 hour of the best electronic music
1 hour of the best house music
1 hour of the best trance music
2 hour’s of a total musical insanity
30 minutes of a total musical insanity
Back to the classic
Clouse your eyes and release your mind
Get ready for a great experience
Greatest hits and best artist from all over the world
It is the time to introduce you to the next level of music
Harder , louder this is hardstyle
Hardstyle motherfuckers
I am hardstyle
It’s time to introduce you to the next level of music
It’s time to the best hardstyle music
Keep Calm and listen to hardstyle
Ladies and gentlemen.. please welcome
Ladies and Gentlemen..please welcome..the one and only
Listen only loud
Non stop hardstyle music
Open your mind and become one with the music
Thanks to be with us.. come again
The best genres from all continets
The best musical factory
This is hardstyle
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is the classic tune
This is tune of the podcast
This is tune of the week
This is what you have been waiting for
This set will blow your mind
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
We are starting podcast in 3…2….1…
Weekly dose of the best music
Where is drop
You are connected to the best music from around the world
You listened to the best hardstyle music
GŁOS ŻEŃSKI 1 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the best music
1 hour of the present and future
2 hour of the best music
3 2 1 let’s get started!
30 minutes of the best music!
Are you ready for take off
Favourite record of this week show
Greatest hits and best artists from all over the world.
Its time to welcome a special guest mix!
keep calm and listen to EDM
Ladies and gentlemen..This is world premiere
Let’s start the podcast
See you next month
See you next week
Stay tuned
Take a seat and lets get started
This is dance track of the week
This is EDM of the month
This is EDM of the podcast
This is EDM of the week
This is number one track of this epizode
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is special guest mix
This is the new remix
This is remix of the epizode
This is remix of the podcast
This is trance of the week
This is tune of the month
This is tune of the podcast
This is tune of the week
This is tune of the year
This is what you have been waiting for
This is your favourite track
This set will blow your mind
Time to say goodbye! Thanks for the time spent together.
Top 10 of the best EDM music
Top 20 of the best EDM music
Top 50 of the best EDM music
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
We meet again next month
We meet again next week
Welcome to my new epizode
Welcome to my podcast
Welcome! you are listening to the best edm music.
You are connected to the best music from around the world
You are listening to the best EDM tracks
You are listening to the best EDM music
You can log off
GŁOS ŻEŃSKI 2 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the present and future
2 hour of the present and future
And now we’re starting the podcast in 5..4..3..2..1.
Don’t wait..push the volume up and immerse into the rhytm
Favourite record of this week show
For more info please visit my facebook
Get ready everybody – we’re starting
Get ready for entering another diemension
Greatest hits and best artist from all over the world
It’s time for special guest mix
Its time to complete this musical journey…you can log off
Ladies and gentlemen. This is world premiere
Listen , experience and get into this
Live in the mix
More of the best music to come
Pump the volume up or don’t listen at all
See you nex month
See you next week
Stay tuned
The best electronic music from all around the world
The best music from the corner of the world
This is the classic tune
This is number one track of this episode
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is the best music from this planet
This is tune of the month
This is tune of the week
This is tune of the year
This is tune of the podcast
This is your favourite track
Time to say godbye. Thanks for the time spent together
Tune of the episode
Turn off the world , turn on the music and be ready for remarkabme experience
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
Weekly dose of the best music
Welcome to my new episode
Welcome to my new podcast
Welcome. You are listening to the best music. Take a seat and let’s get started
You are connected to the best music from around the world
GŁOS ŻEŃSKI 3 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of the best EDM music
1 hour of the best ELECTRONIC music
1 hour of the best HOUSE music
1 hour of the best TRANCE music
1 hour of the total musical insanity
2 hour of the total musical insanity
3..2..1.. Let’s get started
30 minutes of the total musical insanity
Can you feel the adrenaline
Dance track of the week
Greatest hits and best artist from all over the world
Listen only loud
The best genres from all continets
The best musiac factory
This is soundtrack of your nightlife
This is the classic tune
This is tune of the week
This is what you have been waiting for
This is your radio
This set just blow your mind
Tune of the podcast
Volume up and get ready
We are on air
Weekly dose of the best music
Where is drop
You are connected to the best music from around the world.
GŁOS ŻEŃSKI 4 (rozwiń listę)
1 hour of a total musical insanity
1 hour of the best edm music
1 hour of the best electronic music
1 hour of the best house music
1 hour of the best trance music
1 hour of the best hardstyle music
2 hour’s of a total musical insanity
3..2..1.. le’ts get started
30 minutes of a total musical insanity
60 minutes of a total musical insanity
Are you ready for take off.
Are you ready
Can you feel the adrenaline
Clouse your eyes and be ready
Get a good grip and go to musical journey
Get ready for the next hour
Greatest hits and best artist from all over the world
It was the best set! next one coming soon.
It’s time to complette the mission and say godbye. Visit us next week
Let’s go a little bit louder
Listen only loud
Music is the answer
Right now all of you will become one
Stay tuned.
The best genres from all continets
The best musical factory
The best new track from the underground
The podcast is finished but don’t worries! We’ll be back soon!
This is Radio
This set just blow your mind
Paczka zawiera:
- 300 sampli głosowych (8 lektorów)
- Format WAV
- Licencja Exclusive – użytkowanie na wielu obszarach
Uwaga: Sample nie są wysyłane automatycznie. Mogą zostać wysłane do kilku godzin od zakupu.